Enum Notam.IcaoNotamCodeSubjects
ICAO NOTAM Code Subjects
Namespace: FpAssistantCore.GeneralAviation
Assembly: FpAssistantCoreScl.dll
public enum IcaoNotamCodeSubjects : int
2nd and 3rd Characters of code. Literals in brackets: (Indicates what to specify) [Uniform abbreviated phraseology]
Name | Description |
AA | Minimum altitude (en-route/crossing/safe) [mnm alt] |
AC | Control zone [ctr] |
AD | Air defence identification zone [adiz] |
AE | Control area [cta] |
AF | Flight information region [fir] |
AH | Upper control area [uta] |
AL | Minimum usable flight level [mnm usable fl] |
AN | Area navigation route [rnav rte] |
AO | Oceanic control area [oca] |
AP | Reporting point (name or coded designator) [rep] |
AR | ATS route (specify) [ats rte] |
AT | Terminal control area [tma] |
AU | Upper flight information region [uir] |
AV | Upper advisory area [uda] |
AX | Significant point [sig point] |
AZ | Aerodrome traffic zone [atz] |
CA | Air/ground facility (service and frequency) [a/g fac] |
CB | Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast (details) [ads-b] |
CC | Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast (details) [ads-c] |
CD | Controller-pilot data link communications (details) [cpdlc] |
CE | En-route surveillance radar [rsr] |
CG | Ground controlled approach system [gca] |
CL | Selective calling system [selcal] |
CM | Surface movement radar [smr] |
CP | Precision approach radar (runway) [par] |
CR | Surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system (wavelength) [sre] |
CS | Secondary surveillance radar [ssr] |
CT | Terminal area surveillance radar [tar] |
FA | Aerodrome [ad] |
FB | Friction measuring device (type) [friction measuring device] |
FC | Ceiling measurement equipment [ceiling measurement eqpt] |
FD | Docking system (AGNIS, BOLDS, etc.) [dckg system] |
FE | Oxygen (type) [oxygen] |
FF | Firefighting and rescue [fire and rescue] |
FG | Ground movement control [gnd mov ctl] |
FH | Helicopter alighting area/platform [hel alighting area] |
FI | Aircraft de-icing (specify) [acft de-ice] |
FJ | Oils (type) [oil] |
FL | Landing direction indicator [ldi] |
FM | Meteorological service (type) [met] |
FO | Fog dispersal system [fg dispersal] |
FP | Heliport [heliport] |
FS | Snow removal equipment [sn removal eqpt] |
FT | Transmissometer (runway and, where applicable, designator(s) of transmissometer(s)) [transmissometer] |
FU | Fuel availability [fuel avbl] |
FW | Wind direction indicator [wdi] |
FZ | Customs/immigration [cust/immigration] |
GA | GNSS airfield-specific operations (operation) [gnss airfield] |
GW | GNSS area-wide operations (operation) [gnss area] |
IC | Instrument landing system (runway) [ils] |
ID | DME associated with ILS [ils dme] |
IG | Glide path-ILS (runway) [ils gp] |
II | Inner marker-ILS (runway) [ils im] |
IL | Localizer-ILS (runway) [ils loc] |
IM | Middle marker-ILS (runway) [ils mm] |
IN | Localizer-not associated with ILS [loc] |
IO | Outer marker-ILS (runway) [ils om] |
IS | ILS Category I (runway) [ils cat I] |
IT | ILS Category II (runway) [ils cat II] |
IU | ILS Category III (runway) [ils cat III] |
IW | Microwave landing system (runway) [mls] |
IX | Locator, outer-ILS (runway) [ils lo] |
IY | Locator, middle-ILS (runway) [ils lm] |
LA | Approach lighting system (specify runway and type) [als] |
LB | Aerodrome beacon1 [abn] |
LC | Runway centre line lights (specify runway) [rcll] |
LD | Landing direction indicator lights [ldi lgt] |
LE | Runway edge lights (specify runway) [redl] |
LF | Sequenced flashing lights (specify runway) [sequenced flg lgt] |
LG | Pilot-controlled lighting [pcl] |
LH | High intensity runway lights (specify runway) [high intst rwy lgt] |
LI | Runway end identifier lights (specify runway) [rwy end id lgt] |
LJ | Runway alignment indicator lights (specify runway) [rai lgt] |
LK | Category II components of approach lighting system (specify runway) [cat II components als] |
LL | Low intensity runway lights (specify runway) [low intst rwy lgt] |
LM | Medium intensity runway lights (specify runway) [medium intst rwy lgt] |
LP | Precision approach path indicator (specify runway) [papi] |
LR | All landing area lighting facilities [ldg area lgt fac] |
LS | Stopway lights (specify runway) [stwl] |
LT | Threshold lights (specify runway) [thr lgt] |
LU | Helicopter approach path indicator [hapi] |
LV | Visual approach slope indicator system (specify type and runway) [vasis] |
LW | Heliport lighting [heliport lgt] |
LX | Taxiway centre line lights (specify taxiway) [twy cl lgt] |
LY | Taxiway edge lights (specify taxiway) [twy edge lgt] |
LZ | Runway touchdown zone lights (specify runway) [rtzl] |
MA | Movement area [mov area] |
MB | Bearing strength (part of landing area or movement area) [bearing strength] |
MC | Clearway (runway) [cwy] |
MD | Declared distances (runway) [declared dist] |
MG | Taxiing guidance system [tgs] |
MH | Runway arresting gear (runway) [rag] |
MK | Parking area [prkg area] |
MM | Daylight markings (threshold, centre line, etc.) [day markings] |
MN | Apron [apron] |
MO | Stop bar (taxiway) [stop bar] |
MP | Aircraft stands (specify) [acft stand] |
MR | Runway (runway) [rwy] |
MS | Stopway (runway) [swy] |
MT | Threshold (runway) [swy] |
MU | Runway turning bay (runway) [rwy turning bay] |
MW | Strip/shoulder (runway) [strip/shoulder] |
MX | Taxiway(s) (specify) [twy] |
MY | Rapid exit taxiway (specify) [rapid exit twy] |
NA | All radio navigation facilities (except) [all rdo nav fac] |
NB | Non-directional radio beacon [ndb] |
ND | Distance measuring equipment [dme] |
NF | Fan marker [fan mkr] |
NL | Locator (identification) [l] |
NM | VOR/DME [vor/dme] |
NN | TACAN [tacan] |
None | Unknown NOTAM code subject |
NT | VORTAC [vortac] |
NV | VOR [vor] |
NX | Direction-finding station (type and frequency) [df] |
OA | Aeronautical information service [ais] |
OB | Obstacle (details) [obst] |
OE | Aircraft entry requirements [acft entry rqmnts] |
OL | Obstacle lights on (specify) [obst lgt] |
OR | Rescue coordination centre [rcc] |
PA | Standard instrument arrival (route designator) [star] |
PB | Standard VFR arrival [std vfr arr] |
PC | Contingency procedures [contingency proc] |
PD | Standard instrument departure (route designator) [sid] |
PE | Standard VFR departure [std vfr dep] |
PF | Flow control procedure [flow ctl proc] |
PH | Holding procedure [hldg proc] |
PI | Instrument approach procedure (type and runway) [instr apch proc] |
PK | VFR approach procedure [vfr apch proc] |
PL | Flight plan processing, filing and related contingency [fpl] |
PM | Aerodrome operating minima (procedure and amended minimum) [opr minima] |
PN | Noise operating restrictions [noise opr restrictions] |
PO | Obstacle clearance altitude and height (procedure) [oca och] |
PR | Radio failure procedure [rdo failure proc] |
PT | Transition altitude or transition level (specify) [a/trl] |
PU | Missed approach procedure (runway) [missed apch proc] |
PX | Minimum holding altitude (fix) [mnm hldg alt] |
PZ | ADIZ procedure [adiz proc] |
RA | Airspace reservation (specify) [airspace reservation] |
RD | Danger area (specify) [..d..] |
RM | Military operating area [moa] |
RO | Overflying of (specify) [overflying] |
RP | Prohibited area (specify) [..p..] |
RR | Restricted area (specify) [..r..] |
RT | Temporary restricted area (area type) [tempo restricted area] |
SA | Automatic terminal information service [atis] |
SB | ATS reporting office [aro] |
SC | Area control centre [acc] |
SE | Flight information service [fis] |
SF | Aerodrome flight information service [afis] |
SL | Flow control centre [flow ctl centre] |
SO | Oceanic area control centre [oac] |
SP | Approach control service [app] |
SS | Flight service station [fss] |
ST | Aerodrome control tower [twr] |
SU | Upper area control centre [uac] |
SV | VOLMET broadcast [volmet] |
SY | Upper advisory service (specify) [upper advisory ser] |
WA | Air display [air display] |
WB | Aerobatics [aerobatics] |
WC | Captive balloon or kite [captive balloon/kite] |
WD | Demolition of explosives [demolition of explosives] |
WE | Exercises (specify) [exer] |
WF | Air refuelling [air refuelling] |
WG | Glider flying [gld fly] |
WH | Blasting [blasting] |
WJ | Banner/target towing [banner/target towing] |
WL | Ascent of free balloon [ascent of free balloon] |
WM | Missile, gun or rocket firing [missile/gun/rocket/frng] |
WP | Parachute jumping exercise, paragliding or hang gliding [pje/paragliding/hang gliding] |
WR | Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals (specify) [radioactive materials/toxic chemicals] |
WS | Burning or blowing gas [burning/blowing gas] |
WT | Mass movement of aircraft [mass mov of acft] |
WU | Unmanned aircraft [ua] |
WV | Formation flight [formation flt] |
WW | Significant volcanic activity [volcanic act] |
WY | Aerial survey [aerial survey] |
WZ | Model flying [model fly] |